
Curious what others are saying
about Social Formula?

Read some of our customer reviews below.

John Davis
31.3k Friend Requests
Was so easy to get started, signed up and got setup within a few hours now I’m watching my traffic grow.
Libbie OMG
13.9k Friend Requests
5 stars! More fans and more fun! I love TikTok! #fyp #foryoupage
16.8k Friend Requests
Was skeptical at first but decided to give it ago, I’ll be using this for a long time now. Love it!
Margo Gardner
18k Friend Requests
Getting real Friend Requests on autopilot has never been easier, this is such a great tool to get famous.
Noah Bachelor
25k Friend Requests
This has been amazing for my company account it’s helped us attract more customers.
Zakary Myers
29.6k Friend Requests
Highly recommend, friendly staff who want to see you grow.
Pablo Kane
16.5k Friend Requests
I’ve been growing over 1,000 fans a week I’m so excited and happy I found this.
Kourtney Brewer
26k Friend Requests
Social Formula really works, its helped me reach more users and grow on tiktok! I’ve had alot more duet requests!! Yay!
Luisa Pope
22.7k Friend Requests
Was so easy to get started, signed up and got set up within a few hours now I’m watching my Friend Requests grow!
31.1k Friend Requests
It’s been seamless from beginning to end! I’ve worked with other similar services and have never encountered a better system than at Growthoid. 5 stars from me.
48.1k Friend Requests
I’ve had nothing but a great experience with Social Formula! I've got only real Friend Requests who care about my content and profile. Awesome.
Jeff T
23.2k Friend Requests
Social Formula is responsible for most of my Friend Requests. Don't think it's just a free ride because you have to put in time and effort on your end for it to work.
Jack W
28.2k Friend Requests
We quickly discovered how great this was. In a matter of 24 hours we began to see a steady increase in Friend Requests AND engagement.
Tegan B
31k Friend Requests
Had a bit of confusion when onboarding at the start and wasn't sure what was happening. But after I reached out to them they cleared up all confusion.
Charles S.
33.5k Friend Requests
Incredible experience so far, Tony my account manager has been a tremendous help and he's really made me want to go out of my way to thank him.
Laura D
28k Friend Requests
Well, honestly i wasn't expecting such a fast growth of organic Friend Requests. They're geo-targeted and the engagement levels are pretty good.
Charlotte C
39.2k Friend Requests
Exceeded my expectations, these guys are really honest and results have been great!
Eelco Z
32k Friend Requests
I'm a social media manager and have been struggling to grow two of my clients account, so we've been looking for something extra.
Carl N
28.5k Friend Requests
These guys know exactly what they are doing and deliver the best results for their clients. With their assistance. Thank you guys, it's really working for me.
16k Friend Requests
I've been using Social Formula for well over 6 months now and safe to say, they know what they're doing. Way to go people!

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Are our reviews real?

Worried about fake reviews? We understand the concern. That's why we ensure that every review you see is from a genuine client. We never pressure our clients to say nice things about us. Our focus is on delivering exceptional service, which naturally leads to positive feedback. You can trust that what you read reflects real experiences, helping you make informed decisions.

How do we check our reviews?

Trust is paramount to us. That's why we have a dedicated team meticulously vetting every review we receive. We ensure that each review is not only genuine but also relevant to our services. We're committed to providing you with a transparent and authentic view of our features.

How do we verify reviews?

Your trust matters to us. We go the extra mile to verify the authenticity of every review. Our team carefully examines profiles and content to weed out any fake or generic comments. You can rely on us to provide honest insights from real clients who've experienced our features firsthand.

What's our customer support like?

Curious about our customer support? We take pride in delivering exceptional service. Behind the scenes, our dedicated team is always ready to assist you promptly and efficiently. Say goodbye to long waits and impersonal interactions. With us, you'll receive personalized support that makes you feel valued and cared for.

Who can leave reviews?

Wondering who shares their thoughts about us? While anyone can leave a review, we prioritize feedback from our clients. These firsthand experiences offer an authentic glimpse into what it's like to use our features. We believe in building trust and transparency, letting you understand our reputation in the industry.

Do we alter reviews?

Transparency is at the core of our values. We believe in honesty and integrity from the start. That's why we never edit any reviews, whether they're positive or negative. Your feedback is invaluable to us—it helps us grow and improve. Rest assured, we're committed to maintaining your trust by keeping our reviews unaltered and genuine.

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